EN ISO 14119: Interlocking Devices for Industrial Guards

EN ISO 14119: Interlocking Devices for Industrial Guards

EN ISO 14119 is the reference Standard for managing Interlocking Devices related to Industrial Guards. Knowledge of its contents is the basis for industrial safety.

Classification of Guards according to Standards

Guards are classified into three types: Fixed Guards, Movable Guards and Adjustable Guards, each chosen based on specific needs for access to the hazardous area and machine usability.

Movable Guards, whose appropriate use is recommended when access to the danger zone is frequent, include doors and flaps that must be equipped with an Interlocking Device (with or without locking the guard).

  • Foto di ripari perimetrali Satech per la protezioni di macchinari

What is an Interlocking Device?

An Interlocking Device consists of three elements: Actuating System, Operating System and Output System. It is primarily designed to monitor the position of an Industrial Guard but can also be used to control other functions, such as stopping dangerous machine movements.

Classification of Interlocking Devices according to EN ISO 14119 Standard

The EN ISO 14119 Standard, based on the operating principle and the type of actuator, classifies Interlocking Devices into four categories:

  • Type 1: Interlocking Device with mechanically actuated position switch and non-coded actuator.
  • Type 2: Interlocking Device with mechanically actuated position switch and coded actuator.
  • Type 3: Interlocking Device with contactless actuated position switch and non-coded actuator.
  • Type 4: Interlocking Device with contactless actuated position switch and coded actuator.


It is important to note that this classification does not indicate a Safety Level (PLr), but serves as a guide for choosing the most suitable device, based on a risk assessment.

  • Chart displaying the different types of Interlocking Devices - EN ISO 14119
  • Operatore qualificato intento a eseguire una valutazione del rischio, funzionale alla scelta del Dispositivo di Interblocco più adatto

How to choose an Interlocking Device

Risk assessment is the starting point on which to base the choice of the most suitable Interlocking Device for your needs.

However, the EN ISO 14119 Standard describes some criteria to keep in mind during selection, including the probability of failure (device malfunction), the Required Performance Levels (PLr), the analysis of environmental conditions, and the relationship between the system's stop time and access time.


Our Offering For You: Dedicated Products And Services

The EN ISO 14119 Standard provides clear guidance for the design and implementation of Interlocks associated with Industrial Guards. To support the integration of Interlocking Devices into your guards, we offer several solutions, including:

Our experts – Always at your disposal

Interlocks play a crucial role in reducing the risks associated with machinery. Our experience and commitment are at your disposal to offer you personalized support and translate regulations into concrete solutions.

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The Complete Guide How To Perform Risk Assessment According to the EN ISO 12100 Standard
  • Chart displaying the different types of Interlocking Devices - EN ISO 14119